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Kucinich in 2004

14 October 2003 - 9:42 p.m.

Oral Stimuli: the last for a while
I Hate: stupid laws and more stupid people

Welcome to yet another phase of shit hitting the fan. This one is a bit much, even by my standards.

Remember I mentioned that I found "the source?" Right, I did and after several days (OK, two days) of dwelling on it, I told the b/f. I figured he should know that he had a semi-well-known dealer on his staff. He was clear on that; she keeps it out of that job. But she's turned SBX into her personal place of business. Transactions are made, deals are arranged on the phone -- the work phone, not her cell. I found out that she buys about 5 pounds weekly. Once again, my ignorance can show; because that seems like quite a lot to me.

The other night at work, she sold a pound while standing by the bar ... to the senior asst. manager at my other job. Later, she sold a quarter while standing at the register ... to an asst manager from my other job. And I'm thinking; I'm not sure I am comfortable with this. An hour and some later, after her shift was over, one of my SBX co-workers came back in, very upset. Seems the manager had asked her to keep an eye on said employee after my b/f gave him the heads up. And my co-worker, who is a terrific person and a smoker (but not comfortable with the way things are going on), had been right there when the first transaction took place. So now she has to tell. Because she agreed to do so and because she doesn't want the store to turn into something else. BUT!!! She also likes the employee and even better, the senior asst making the purchase? Is her ex-boyfriend. Poor girl. She feels like shit. I told her I was the original narc, to see if that made her feel better. It helped.

You know, I smoke. But I don't buy because its not worth anyone's time to measure out the stupidly small amount that I want or to bother charging me for it. Neither here nor there; if I did buy, I would buy. The shit should be legal. Simple enough. Its silly that there's a law involved to begin with; but damn people! There IS a LAW!! Its illegal. Do not conduct illegal business in the middle of a mall. Go over to somebody's house. Are they crazy? Do they honestly believe that the entire populace is cool with this? Hell, what if a customer saw? A security guard? How could they be so stupid?

I'm currently concerned with random piss-in-a-cup tests now. Guess I'll be laying off the stuff for a while and drink lots of cranberry juice. I'm calling in sick to SBX tomorrow anyway; my brother arrives on Thursday and I haven't done any of the things I need to do before he gets here. Besides, I don't think I want to be at SBX for a couple days. And lastly, this 2 job thing is painful. I am stinking tired. I know, I'm always tired, but this is one of those bone deep tired. Body parts hurt. That kind of tired. Sooooo .... a little mini-break is in order.

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