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Kucinich in 2004

04 October 2003 - 10:21 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: Pete Y.--MFTMA
Oral Stimuli: something sort of cig-like
I Hate: stupid people

I forgot that work could be tiring. Today was a mega-stupid day. Not that it was bad or that anything really big and evil happened; just that people were being uncommonly dense and so stupid shit would happen. Most irritating.

This is odd and disturbing; I found "The Source. I was under the impression that the guy I worked with at SBux was ... that. And I still think he is one, but not The One. No, I find out that "The Source" is a girl I work with at both places. But see, I know the guy I used to work with at SBux buys from her; like a pound's worth. Now I know, I'm a light-weight; I cannot imagine what a pound would even look like. Other than fucking huge, to my eyes at any rate. But if he's buying a pound, how much does SHE buy? Hm? I'm impressed. I had no idea. She covers really well.

And I most certainly am NOT going to explain how I came to know that. Please.

I'm in the same boat as The Shivers. Where will it end? I've purchased new fuzzy yet slinky leopard print jammies and a new purse (yes, that makes 83 of them) and a very festive belt from Littlearth and a new blouse (ON SALE!) and a book. In the past 2 days. What? Do I think I'm made of money just because I have a job? Shit. I'm putting a stop to this, right now. Or at least, soon.

Oh man, the fatigue and other things are killing me. I'm going to crash.

(oh, let's hope this entry made some sense)

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