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Kucinich in 2004

05 October 2003 - 9:53 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: the same damned sounds
Oral Stimuli: the same damned things
I Hate: the same damned stuff I always do

Hey! Its Sunday night! Where is everybody? Where are all the weekend wrap-ups? Damn, people. I expect better than this.

Here's something kind of interesting. Do you know when I got my last period? No? Good, you really wouldn't have had any business knowing that. But since you care, and I know you do, it was August 8th. Yeh, AUGUST the 8th. A trifle odd, wouldn't you say? I would. Especially since I've taken 3 piss on a stick home pregnancy tests and they're all negative and I don't feel even remotely pregnant, so I believe them. Seriously though, where the hell is my period? This is beyond late. This is missing. A no show. Didn't even call to say it couldn't make it. Damn. I will say it now, very clearly; it has nothing to do with the "M" word. No, not marriage. If anyone even dares to suggest the thing that starts in "M" and ends in sounds like "Oz" I will have you killed. Because it is NOT THAT.

I swear, I would just die if it were that. I'm clear on the concept; women get older and have hormonal changes signalling the end of their fertility. Yes, I know. I'm all for it. I am pro-----that word. But much much later in life, OK? I'm not interested in being not fertile, no not just yet. For goddess's sake! I have a 25 year old boyfriend who wants to have kids, but not just yet!!!

Oh, that word; I do not like it. It comes with images of crones and dried up dead worthless things. Which I know is wrong, I know that; intellectually I know that. It doesn't change anything about whether or not you are a sexual being. It doesn't mean you're ready for the retirement home. You're still a WOMAN, I know. I know this, but I am not ready. I will not go nicely. I will throw a fit.

No no no nononononooooo. It is not time for that.

Huh. I think I have some issues here ... who knew? I didn't til just now. Perhaps I should think on this some.

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