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Kucinich in 2004

05 December 2003 - 9:47 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: my new space heater ... mmmmm
Oral Stimuli: a little present from my space heater friend
I Hate: every damned aspect of moving

The List:

* Get space heaters from friend who doesn't need them. Check. Test space heater to make sure it doesn't burst into flames. Check. ( mmmm ... warm )
* Call phone company and arrange to be connected to the civilized world. Check. And with an easy to remember number!
* Call satan-spawn moving truck company and arrange for smallish truck. Remember to avoid satan-spawn moving truck company that your best friend is boycotting. Check.
* Tell boyfriend exactly what you think of his wishy-washy approach to helping you move and that you could give a shit that it's the busiest time of the year. Get lovely sense of revenge when Asst Manager guy immediately says ( in front of boyfriend ), "Of course I'll help. When do you need me?" Check. Bonus points as well.
* Purchase new cheap telephone that doesn't have sticky buttons due to a small girl-child spilling Sprite all over it. Check. Clean old phone for approximately an hour until buttons no longer stick. You are now a 2 phone household! Double check.
* Seriously consider having boyfriend killed when he calls to ask you to pick up his cat at the vet. Decide it isn't the cat's fault and do it. Check.
* Plot revenge against boyfriend. Oh yeh, check.
* Mull over the pros and cons of having a nervous breakdown. Check.
* Attempt to calm small girl-child when she starts getting awfully anxious about this whole moving business because this house might not be safe because it is old. Check.
* Decide that your brother will get everything when you die because he cleverly points out that the small girl-child was not afraid to visit Auntie and him in their house which is much, much older than her new house. Small girl-child is delighted by this information. Check.
* Realize that the period you thought had gone away is still here and doing fine, thanks for asking. Assume that you are growing more fibroids. What perfect timing. Appreciate the poetic justice and sense of overwhelming futility etc etc. Check.

And so how are things with everyone else?

I made it clear to my Sainted Brother that the computer was not to be packed until I said so. He took it well. My brother really will deserve an award when this is all done. He's done 90% of the packing and will probably do the lion's share of the actual moving. Granted, he's an over-zealous packer; in addition to the stash box he's packed the stupid light-weight novel I was reading and every damned pair of shoes I owe except for the ones on my feet. But I am not complaining! No no. Kvetching a bit, maybe.

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