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Kucinich in 2004

06 December 2003 - 10:48 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: the last load of laundry

I Hate: moving

I have to put the computer in a box tonight. This makes me feel oddly nervous and vulnerable. Of course, that, in and of itself, annoys me. I do not need the computer, I am not some kind of internet junkie!

At least I didn't think so.

My brother and I went to get the YoU-Haul tonight. As my brother drove it home he discovered that it won't shift out of first. Its an automatic, you know, so he puts it in drive and it never changed gears. When he got home he discovered it won't go into reverse. Lovely. I'm thinking its a real good thing this is a short distance move.

This place is giving me the creeps. Its far too uncluttered and messy at the same time. I'm going to leave LOTS of stuff for later; whenever that might be. So much of what I own is crap and there isn't time to sort properly, so I'll just deal with it later. I already made two big "Boxes-O-Stuff," which simply horrified my brother because it isn't proper packing, but we're talking about tomorrow dammit and while he may be willing to stay up until 5AM packing properly; I'm not.

So there.

Tomorrow. Its been cold as shit for the past several days, I see no reason for tomorrow to be different. However, I am offering up whatever is necessary that it not rain. Or fucking snow. Those options are completely unacceptable.

I suppose I ought to go. No phone connection til Monday ( yes, I use dial-up ... so shoot me ) so I expect I will have a melt-down tomorrow evening.

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