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Kucinich in 2004

10 May 2003 - 11:47 p.m.

I gave notice at work today! Didn't wait for the big boss to come back, just told the 2nd in command.

That, of course, was the best part of the day.

I'm on day two of a migraine. I think its allergies gone crazy. I ended up losing my shit at work; my head hurt so badly that I was getting dizzy. Smells and noises and just killed me. The boyfriend walked up just as my supervisor was telling me to go home and I was weeping because they would have to skip their dinner breaks and I felt guilty. It was odd. He rather took over and put his car keys in my hand and told me to go get in the car and he would drive me home and all but removed me from the store. That was odd in itself; he doesn't usually behave that way. The really odd part was that I didn't mind.

I must've felt really bad.

I will not be going to work tomorrow. Its died down a bit, but I can still feel a throb in my forehead. I'm not doing that again. Besides, its Mother's Day, dammit.

And what are they gonna do? Fire me?

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