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Kucinich in 2004

12 October 2003 - 8:50 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: laundry noises ... except to hear lots more of that now that I'm back at SBX
Oral Stimuli: oh who cares?
I Hate: my body when it toys with me

I finished working last night at 10:30. I arrived at the mall at noon. I told the b/f to buy me a drink, er ... please. He did. Then I overslept for the 10AM meeting despite the fact that my whole family was here and knew I had a 10AM meeting. They were confused. They I came home and went back to sleep and woke up a few hours later in huge cramping pain. I was still excited by this because I hoped it might mean I was getting my period finally. So far; nothing. And then I went back to sleep.

And because I work for a living again, I was going to spend tonight with him because I do not have to be at work until 5PM and he has the day off, but I am too tired and crampy. But now, because of our weird schedules, I either have to get up in the morning (not a good plan at his place) or work until 10:30. Or he has to work until 10:30. Or both. He leaves on Thursday for someplace in S.C. I am cranky.

On the other hand, we do have plane tickets to Maine. (YAY!)

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