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Kucinich in 2004

26 May 2003 - 11:34 p.m.

lip kiss
Kiss on the Lips--You're sweet and simple but
quite daring. You move for the kill confidently
knowing the other person wants the same thing.

What Sign of Affection Are You?

Awww...isn't that cute? Shame they didn't have "Grab His Balls." That would be me.

The boyfriend has had someone loan him a car, so I get to relax a bit. I don't mind. The kid returns to school tomorrow and I have no plans other than maybe hitting the pool for a brief period of time. Since its supposed to rain, I don't think this will happen. Not a problem. I have much cleaning to do. This place is disgusting and I vowed to throw out clothing. Of my own, that is. Going to get fierce with my closet. It doesn't fit? Outta there. Haven't worn it in over a year? See ya.

I enjoy my ruthless side. Good thing I mostly only use it on clothing.

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