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Kucinich in 2004

25 April 2003 - 7:25 p.m.

The boyfriend posts to this NewsGroup. I've read over his shoulder for a while. Its kind of weird, this NewsGroup. Their main purpose seems to be picking fights and calling each other names. I couldn't quite fathom the attraction. But it was sort of like a car wreck; as much as I basically disliked the feel of it, I kept reading it even when I was at home. I suppose it was just a question of time before I started posting.

Yeh, yeh. I start posting. I realized too late that these were the sorts of people who would run Google searches on any info they could get. So my former e-mail addy (a variation on the old dLand name) had to go. So did the old diary. By the time I'd covered my tracks, I realized what an absurd mess I'd made. But at the same time, I didn't entirely mind.

It was time for a change anyway. That diary had become tiresome. Same old, same old. I have no idea if this one is going to be any better, but its definitely going to be different. Low key. No big deal.

So that's the brief version. I'm sure there's a longer version that will eventually work its way out.

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