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Kucinich in 2004

21 October 2003 - 5:34 p.m.

Oral Stimuli: extra anti-anxieties
I Hate: flying, its true I hate it

I do not have a valid, government-issued photo ID.

See, my car died and the insurance had just run out and I figure, why pay insurance on a broken car and so I didn't pay it but if you have a plate on the car it HAS to be insured so the DMV wants $300 before they will issue me a new valid, government-issued photo ID and I do not have $300 so I have no such ID.

Moreover, I have a face full of metal and I cannot locate the panoramic x-ray of my face that I used to always travel with because I haven't gotten on a freakin airplane in a really really long time, I can't remember the last time I flew but it was waaaay before 9/11 and all the fabulous new security measures especially since the nong-nong from Guilford College right damned here and his little "security checks," I expect our airport be showing off their very finest in checking and prodding.

I suspect I will never be allowed on the plane and will find myself stuck in my hometown airport at 5AM which should simply never happen to anyone.

I'm getting tense.

But I should probably just go shower.

I'll check in when possible.

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