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Kucinich in 2004

01 October 2003 - 9:12 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: the upstairs floors creaking

I Hate: that there are only 24 hours in a day

This is going to be a seriously scatter-shot entry; I'm tired (oh! alert the media!) and mostly all I want to do is read the incredibly light-weight murder mystery I stole from the b/f. But I've had to put that off all day for one stupid reason or another so I may as well put it off a bit longer, right? Savor the anticipation and all that shit.

My "Seven" jeans arrived today. I bought them off of eBay for a very reasonable price. Yeh, I know, The Limited carries them now but only as small as a size 26. Feh. I am a 24. And I'm just not paying $100 for a pair of jeans, no matter how good they make your ass look. And let me tell you; my ass looks good. Damn. But the b/f? I made him buy a pair on sale a couple days ago, his ass looks flawless. First of all, he didn't have a single pair of jeans that actually fit him. Either too big or too short. He's a lean kind of guy, OK? Secondly -- he does have a flawless ass. Really. I wouldn't lie about this. His ass is perfect. Last night he announced that he needed new shoes. He's been announcing this for about 2 months but last night his feet were killing him and I said, "Fine. Tomorrow we'll go get you some Docs before you leave for Tenn." And he agreed. (?!?!?!) This morning he purchased a pair of black, 8-holed (whatever they call them) boots. It gave me hot flashes, really it did. He had to run by the store to pick up some paperwork and the women-folk were all working in the back and I said to them "Check it out," meaning, of course, the b/f in his Sevens and his Docs. They all looked and said, "Day--Umm!!"

One of my finer creations. If only he'd pierce an ear. But he won't and its probably all for the best because then everybody would want him and I'd have to get nasty and shit and we all know; I don't do that.

And another thing: Do any of you fashionistas out there know WHY they are called "Seven For All Mankind?" I mean, that's a weird-ass name for jeans. I'm just asking.


Before all of that, the Girl-Child and I went to have our annual mother-daughter pictures taken. Its become a little ritualistic thing we do, kinda gross and cheesy. But what was startling is that the b/f sat in on a couple of them, so we have these, I don't know, "Family Unit" pictures. This is kind of cool and kind of spooky at the same time. I can cope with it because, I'm looking at these pictures and look, here's one right now ...

Pretty cute, huh? Yeh, I know; mommy looks kind of slutty, but that's not important right now. Anyway, I can cope because I said to the b/f "You know, its painfully obvious that the two of us did not create this child. We'd have to tell people she's one of those Russian orphans and we adopted her." He stared at the picture for a moment and said, "Yeh. Do we look too much alike? Is it creepy?" I had no answer for that.

I'm going to go read my silly novel now because I'm just not up to anything smart.

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