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Kucinich in 2004

27 August 2003 - 9:49 p.m.

Aural Stimuli: the washer and dryer making my clothes nice and clean
Oral Stimuli: maybe I should consider drinking more water...
I Hate: my hair (at the moment)

I'll admit to it right now; the only reason I'm posting is because I have to stay up until about 10:30 so I can take another round of Tavist. That's correct, I'm writing entirely for the need for sinus relief. Sad, isn't it?

I'm on laundry load number 5. Another one and a half and I should have access to my bedroom floor which needs to be cleaned. Badly. It needed to be cleaned badly a month ago. I've been busy; so sue me.

Roscoe, the very bad kitten is pushing his luck tonight. Might need to have a little heart to heart with him. Either that or have him de-clawed.

You know, I was so going to use this "boyfriend-less time" as an opportunity to do oh-so-many things. Like what, exactly, I'm not sure. Instead, I haven't done squat. Or maybe I have done squat, I'm never sure how that works. Granted, I've been feeling poopy (literally), but I've been more motivated while feeling poopier than this. Its because my hair looks bad.

No, really. My hair looks like crap.

Why won't it hold color anymore? I mean, most of its fine; but those nasty little white hairs? The ones that make me color in the first place (well, not in the first place), they hold the dye for maybe 2 weeks. Then I have nice "Flaming Red" hair with white temples. I cannot stand this. No no no nonononono. I am not that old. Yet. OK, maybe technically I am that old, but I'm not ready to be, so its basically the same thing.

This is boring as hell. I admit it.

I'll go ahead and put this entry out of its misery, because its a little after 10 and I need to hang the "line dry only" items and then I can take my drugs and go to bed. There's another come I can take pain killers and have nothing happen to me, other than pain relief, and I take a Tavist and get all loopy/dopey? This makes no sense, people! No sense what-so-ever!!!

That's enough.

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